NeuroAffective Touch

NeuroAffective® touch integrates psychotherapy and the therapeutic use of touch to support the body to tell its story and to heal early developmental trauma. In doing so, it can help you begin to experience the body as home.

Many people who come for therapy have experienced chronic misattunement, neglect and sometimes emotional or physical abuse. Sometimes there has been a lack of nurturing and bonding from our caregivers. When we are born the quality of nurturing we receive profoundly impacts our ability to form and maintain relationships as adults both with others as well as with ourselves. These first key relationships create a blue print for how the body-mind relates to the world, others and ourselves.

“Healing early trauma begins with offering the missing non verbal experiences of somatic support, attunement and safety”. Dr Aline LaPierre

How I Work.

NeuroAffective Touch® integrates the key elements of somatic psychotherapy, attachment and developmental theory, psychodynamic psychotherapy, and affective and interpersonal neurobiology.

During a NeuroAffective Touch® session, I use a gentle supportive touch to engage your body at a deep biological level. At the same time, your mind is invited to collaborate as a partner alongside your body.  Touch engages you in a  ‘bottom-up’ way - from the body to the mind.  By working with your mind at the same time in a ‘top-down’ way - from the mind to the body - NeuroAffective Touch® helps you to understand how your thoughts, emotions, and body, function collaboratively as one organism.

By combining a gentle and regulating contact, together with a caring relational presence, NeuroAffective Touch® can be particularly helpful when working with childhood, emotional, and relational trauma.

Book a Free Call

Our work is relationship based and it is important that we feel like we can work together. If you’re feeling drawn to this work let’s schedule a free call to see how I can best support you.